A more economically efficient option for your laundry on those rainy days …

With many of us anticipating the rise in gas & electric costs, there's never been a better time to find new ways to reduce your home’s energy usage
‘Pull up’ the calculator …
According to The Energy Saving Trust, the average tumble dryer is said to use over 4.5 kWt of energy per cycle.
For perspective, in November 2021, the average price per kWh of electricity was 20p. As of October 1st 2022, this price will have risen to 34p per kWh.
Due to different options of tumble dryers available and multiple variable factors, the average annual running cost varies from around £90 to £220, with some households paying considerably more.
Justina Miltienyte, energy expert at Uswitch.com said that, ‘Tumble dryers are one of the most energy-intensive devices in the home, so it’s worth trying to avoid using it (…) Drying three loads a week in your tumble dryer will cost you about £223 a year’ whereas air drying your laundry is free!
Well, not totally free …
There is the initial cost involved in buying your Thatch & Stone pulley airer, but, much unlike a tumble dryer, savings made on your energy bills can recoup the purchase cost within the first year of use!
Natural & Eco-Friendly
Coupled with the pressure to reduce energy use amidst the price rises and to save the pounds before Christmas comes is the increasing need for collective action to protect and preserve our Environment.
Over 60% of UK households own and use a tumble dryer, equating to roughly 15 million households. The Guardian estimates that if all households were to switch to air drying for merely one load of laundry each week, we could collectively save over 1 million tonnes of CO2 in a year.
Regenerating methods proven over decades, the pulley system can be used to raise your laundry up to the ceiling where warm air is trapped - allowing for a natural, yet quick drying process.
Snag-proof responsibly sourced, kiln dried wooden laths
Our wooden laths are responsibly and sustainably sourced, kiln dried, aged, left natural and smoothed so your clothes do not snag when being removed or stain while drying.
A beautiful, traditional design made to last a lifetime
Thatch & Stone’s heavy duty cast iron pulley airers are traditional in style, complementing a range of styles, from quintessentially English cottage kitchens to modern utility spaces.
As seen in this shot of Melody at @live_by_george’s snug & ambient living space, the Victorian style airers are ideal above a traditional log burner and make the perfect addition to cottage style living spaces.
Also well-suited to modern utility rooms and kitchens, as shown by Jen’s at @ gorgeous utility room creation.
Why not just use a regular floor rack?
There are multiple floor airers available on the market which many people already use as a cost saving alternative to a tumble dryer.
However, these designs typically take up significant floor space and might be a trip hazard for toddlers or small children.
Hanging your laundry at ceiling level maximises the use of naturally rising heat in the room, drying your clothes faster and also reduces dirty finger prints, general marks and any pet hair/fur sticking to your fresh laundry.
Thatch & Stone airers provide storage solutions as well as cost savings. Not only are the Cast iron pulleys and wheels specifically designed for strength and durability, they are also available in a selection of colours to better match your interior.
Nine colour options available
Order your Thatch & Stone pulley airer and make reducing your tumble dryer usage your #do1thing for the environment, today!
Traditional Ceiling Pulley Clothes Airers – Thatch & Stone (thatchandstone.co.uk)