Mini Greenhouse for Mini Gardeners

Nothing inspires a child’s mind more than creation. Watching something grow from a tiny seed is one of the simplest pleasures in life and something which will never cease to draw excitement.
To make the most of Easter half term, with the kids, we’ve stocked Johnson’s Little Gardeners sets, it’s a fantastic educational tool for all ages. Included is a build your own mini greenhouse, compact compost which will expand when water is added and three different sets of seed; Cress, Sunflower and Coleus.
These three packets of seed offer the perfect start for any mini gardener.
The Cress will grow quickly, within a week, you and your children will be able to track the progress of the Cress’ growth each day. The Sunflower will grow tall for the end of the Summer, the seeds from its centre will then provide for the birds in your garden. Then there is the Coleus, this will grow in your greenhouse before you can move it to a pot, then even plant it in the garden, meaning you’ll have something in your garden which you and your kids have grown from seed.
Three plants which will provide you and your kids with a short, medium- and long-term education on wildlife and something which you can do together as a family over the Easter holidays.